我这里有张芯片的原图,但是打出来颜色会淡很多 上面是芯片原图(手机没存照片),下面是我用计算机模拟出来的结果,颜色非常淡,而且字也非常小,肉眼很难辨认,需要放大镜或者电子显微镜才行。 这个芯片是瑞士研发出来的,主要原理是检测伤口处的微量蛋白质,来判定是否被小狗舔过或咬伤(不要求一定舔过或咬过)。
这张芯片图片来自于美国FDA网站,原文如下: This is a microscopic image of a dog tag that contains chips, or tags that are about the size of a grain of rice. There are two types of chips: some can be scented (like key chains) and others cannot be scent (like those used in electronic products like cell phones to identify ownership). Dog owners should ask their veterinarians whether their pets have access to these chips so that if there ever is an accident with yourpet, proper ID can be made. FDA has not evaluated the safety or effectiveness of any product featured on our website except for information specifically about the agency's own products. For more information, visit our radio frequency identification(RFID) page. 翻译一下就是: 这是含有芯片的狗牌的图片(这芯片跟黄豆差不多大)。有些芯片能气味(像钥匙链的味道),而别的不能气味(就像那些用在电子产品里的芯片识别所属权)。宠物主人应该问自己的兽医自己家宠物有没有接触这些芯片,这样在意外发生时就能正确识别。我们还没有评估任何产品网站上提供的关于产品的安全或有效性信息,除了对我们自己产品的描述。有关更多信息,请访问我们的射频识别(RFID)页面。