

1.Felixifine 芬必得(复方苯丙醇胺) 对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬的混合物,可以用于狗狗发热、关节痛等急性疼痛的治疗。对胃肠道刺激较小。但不建议大剂量服用,因为会对心脏造成影响;也不适合幼犬和妊娠期的母犬使用。

2.Tilbrofen(Pentosan) 白陶土布洛芬 主要成分为水杨酸类,具有抗炎镇痛作用。白陶土可吸附药物降低毒性,同时还可以保护肠道黏膜避免药物的刺激性伤害。由于该药物口服后吸收率低且起效较慢,注射给药时副作用也较大,因此不建议在家自行给药。

3.Nabumetone 纳布酮酮索 非甾体类的消炎药,对肠胃的刺激比较小,可用于治疗骨关节炎或类风湿性关节炎引起的疼痛。有研究显示,在服用7天后,该药物的效果甚至优于阿片类药物吗啡。但由于其代谢产物会随尿液排出体外,可能会引起肾盂肾炎,因此不建议大量长期用药,建议每天不超过40毫克/千克体重。如果狗狗患有肝炎、胃溃疡等疾病不宜服用。

4.Ketoprofene (Acipimox) 环丙甲氧酚 不属于非甾体类抗炎药,是一种α-肾上腺素类衍生物。该药物通过选择性抑制前列腺素的合成而达到解热镇痛的作用。一般适用于中度至重度疼痛的治疗或对乙酰氨基酚及非甾体类抗炎药的疗效不佳的犬只,例如术后疼痛或者癌症晚期造成的剧烈疼痛。 5.Fentanyl Citrate 芬太尼 阿片类药,作用比可待因强50倍左右,易成瘾性发作。作为处方药品,需在医生的指导下进行使用,并且要严格控制好用量。

6.Hydromorphone Hydrochloride 氢溴酸羟考酮 同上。

7.Morphine Sulfate 吗啡硫酸盐 Narcotic analgesic used to treat severe pain in patients with cancer or other painful conditions. Opioid agonists bind to and activate opioid receptors throughout the body,including those located along nerves that transmit pain signals from sites of injury, inflammation, and tissue damage; in turn these receptors regulate the transmission of impulses between the nervous system and muscles including the skeletal muscle responsible for propulsive movement. Thus opioids may reduce both the intensity and duration of painful sensations, as well as reduce the tendency toward involuntary movement. This effect is called analgesia. The drug can also block vomiting associated with chemotherapy,which might be desirable during some surgical procedures.

8.Buprenorphine HCL 丁丙诺啡盐酸盐 Opiate drug which has partial agonist activity at mu opiate receptor sites, but antagonism at kappa site and naloxone-like antagonist properties. Buprenorphine produces effects similar to those seen with morphine,but does not cause nausea like that produced by many narcotics. Side Effects include sedation,constipation,nausea,vomiting,drowsiness ,and euphoria. It should only be given under close observation because of risk of overdose. Also use in treatment of acute and chronic pain in animals.

9.Oxycodone Hydrobromide hydrobromide Oxycod


我家两只狗,都吃过两种,一种是芬必得(成分是布洛芬);另一种是艾力斯泰。 都是人用药,网上有卖。价格很实惠。 前者是消炎镇痛用的;后者是解热镇痛药物。对狗来说效果很不错! 你家要是也遇到这种情况的话,可以试试这两款药品,效果挺好的。另外就是如果情况比较严重的情况下,建议去医院看看!
